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Financial Year March 31 2023
Cash and Deposits In Other Banks --
Currency Capital 11,241,008,878.09
Among:Customer Fund Deposits 9,975,333,427.56
Deposit Payment In the Central Bank --
Salttlement Reserve 2,443,197,344.74
Among: Customer Reserve 1,767,943,549.13
Noble Metal --
Lending Funds --
Trading Financial Assets 8,395,093,575.16
Derivative Financial Assets 23,880,263.35
Redemptory Monetary Capital For Sale 1,246,423,079.69
Interest Receivable --
Premiums Receivable --
Subrogation Receivables --
Reinsurance Accounts Receivable --
Receivable Deposit for Undue Duty of Reinsurance --
The Receivable Reserve for Outstanding Reinsurance Claims --
The Receivable Reserve for Reinsurance Life Insurance Liabilities --
The Receivable Reserve for The Reinsurance of Long-Term Health Insurance Liabilities --
Protecting A Pledge Loan --
Time Deposit --
Issue Loan and Advance --
Refundable Deposits 1,072,562,838.15
Capital In Vicarious Business --
Accounts Receivable --
Prepayment --
Available-for-Sale Financial Assets --
The Held-to-maturity Investment --
Long Term Equity Investments 805,364,142.65
Deposit For Capital Recognizance --
Investing Real Estate --
Inventories --
Fixed Assets 816,899,738.00
Construction In Progress 8,991,643.36
Intangible Assets 43,332,461.01
Transaction Seat Fee --
Long Term Prepayments --
Disposal of Fixed Assets --
Independent Account Assets --
Deferred Income Tax Assets 104,698,587.33
Other Assets 110,694,250.48
Total Assets 55,174,051,638.71
Borrowing from The Central Bank --
Deposits With Banks and Other Financial Institutions --
Short Term Borrowing --
Among: Pledge Loan --
Borrowing Funds --
Trading Financial Debt --
Derivative Financial Debt 47,438,486.42
Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase 11,738,730,194.43
Deposit Taking --
Acting Trading Securities 11,609,273,882.01
Acting Underwriting Secur 54,941,309.69
Account Payable --
Notes Payable --
Advance Receipts --
Premiums Received In Advance --
Fees and Commissions Payable --
Reinsurance Receivable Payable --
Employee Compensation Payable 403,572,249.40
Taxes Payable 130,830,373.18
Interest Payable --
Liabilities from Vicarious Business --
Estimatied Liabilities 17,310,510.00
Payments Payable --
Bonus Payable --
Protecting Saving and Investment --
Unearned Premium Reserve --
Reserve for Outstanding Losses --
Reserves for Life Insurance Liabilities --
Reserves for Long Term Health Insurance Liabilities --
Long Term Borrowings --
Bonds Payable 13,538,063,507.90
Independent Account Liabilities --
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 71,981,072.42
Other Liabilities 219,652,404.51
Total Liabilities 37,986,490,657.99
Paid-in Capital(Capital Stock) 3,686,361,034.00
Capital Surplus 8,097,937,623.15
LESS:Treasury Stock --
Surplus Reserves 641,317,973.11
General Risk Preparation 1,924,186,454.51
Undistributed Profits 2,455,630,568.65
Minority Equity 341,025,623.98
Currency Translation Differences --
Abnormal Management Project Income Adjusted 7,637,683,764.39
Belong To The Parent Company Owner's Equity(Or Stockholder's Equity) 16,846,535,356.74
Total Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 17,187,560,980.72
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 55,174,051,638.71
Currency in : RMB