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Financial Year March 31 2023
Cash and Deposits In Other Banks --
Currency Capital 29,036,054,460.62
Among:Customer Fund Deposits 25,464,598,094.29
Deposit Payment In the Central Bank --
Salttlement Reserve 6,128,414,949.79
Among: Customer Reserve 4,504,198,345.56
Noble Metal --
Lending Funds --
Trading Financial Assets 60,977,856,579.75
Derivative Financial Assets 95,304,312.98
Redemptory Monetary Capital For Sale 3,562,285,144.13
Interest Receivable --
Premiums Receivable --
Subrogation Receivables --
Reinsurance Accounts Receivable --
Receivable Deposit for Undue Duty of Reinsurance --
The Receivable Reserve for Outstanding Reinsurance Claims --
The Receivable Reserve for Reinsurance Life Insurance Liabilities --
The Receivable Reserve for The Reinsurance of Long-Term Health Insurance Liabilities --
Protecting A Pledge Loan --
Time Deposit --
Issue Loan and Advance --
Refundable Deposits 6,130,228,106.25
Capital In Vicarious Business --
Accounts Receivable --
Prepayment --
Available-for-Sale Financial Assets --
The Held-to-maturity Investment --
Long Term Equity Investments 2,141,520,950.44
Deposit For Capital Recognizance --
Investing Real Estate --
Inventories --
Fixed Assets 1,536,211,223.41
Construction In Progress 13,456,801.00
Intangible Assets 263,639,855.33
Transaction Seat Fee --
Long Term Prepayments --
Disposal of Fixed Assets --
Independent Account Assets --
Deferred Income Tax Assets 489,126,733.31
Other Assets 466,417,764.53
Total Assets 174,069,396,985.11
Borrowing from The Central Bank --
Deposits With Banks and Other Financial Institutions --
Short Term Borrowing 843,630,779.17
Among: Pledge Loan --
Borrowing Funds 2,701,122,388.89
Trading Financial Debt 411,550,189.80
Derivative Financial Debt 83,029,140.63
Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase 53,434,809,291.24
Deposit Taking --
Acting Trading Securities 33,400,683,262.07
Acting Underwriting Secur 51,506,528.17
Account Payable --
Notes Payable --
Advance Receipts --
Premiums Received In Advance --
Fees and Commissions Payable --
Reinsurance Receivable Payable --
Employee Compensation Payable 1,637,425,022.45
Taxes Payable 381,470,478.22
Interest Payable --
Liabilities from Vicarious Business --
Estimatied Liabilities --
Payments Payable --
Bonus Payable --
Protecting Saving and Investment --
Unearned Premium Reserve --
Reserve for Outstanding Losses --
Reserves for Life Insurance Liabilities --
Reserves for Long Term Health Insurance Liabilities --
Long Term Borrowings --
Bonds Payable 21,174,539,269.00
Independent Account Liabilities --
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 18,615,989.84
Other Liabilities 2,217,195,274.49
Total Liabilities 134,329,432,926.84
Paid-in Capital(Capital Stock) 5,007,502,651.00
Capital Surplus 23,642,904,238.12
LESS:Treasury Stock 344,467,516.85
Surplus Reserves 1,384,222,124.03
General Risk Preparation 3,325,753,492.90
Undistributed Profits 5,708,973,142.53
Minority Equity 602,928,497.52
Currency Translation Differences --
Abnormal Management Project Income Adjusted 18,123,749,929.14
Belong To The Parent Company Owner's Equity(Or Stockholder's Equity) 39,137,035,560.75
Total Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 39,739,964,058.27
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 174,069,396,985.11
Currency in : RMB