Financial Year |
March 31 2023 |
Monetary Funds |
1,327,468,237.64 |
Held-for-trading Financial Assets |
-- |
Notes Receivable |
-- |
Accounts Receivable |
586,397,704.07 |
Advances to Suppliers |
6,251,185.27 |
Other Receivables |
6,987,987.03 |
Amounts Due From Related Companies |
-- |
Interest Receivable |
-- |
Dividend Receivable |
-- |
Inventories |
134,501,896.31 |
Among: Consumptive Biological Assets |
-- |
Non-Current Assets Maturing Within One Year |
-- |
Other Current Assets |
246,735,388.83 |
Total Current Assets |
2,629,065,750.63 |
Available-for-Sale Financial Asset |
-- |
Held-to-maturity Investments |
-- |
Long-Term Account Receivable |
-- |
Long-term Equity Investment |
801,057,912.64 |
Investment Properties |
-- |
Fixed Assetes |
15,827,029,261.89 |
Under-construction Projects |
6,233,288,346.55 |
Construction Materials |
-- |
Disposal of Fixed Assets |
-- |
Capitalized Biological Assets |
-- |
Oil and Gas Assets |
-- |
Intangible Assets |
4,814,674,111.42 |
R&D expenses |
-- |
Goodwill |
156,195,333.44 |
Long-Term Deferred and Prepaid Expenses |
-- |
Deferred Income Tax Assets |
85,913,791.83 |
Other Non-Current Assets |
186,671,262.56 |
Sub-Total of Non-Current Assets |
30,473,831,641.76 |
Total Assets |
33,102,897,392.39 |
Short-Term Loans |
1,211,430,305.55 |
Trading Financial liabilities |
-- |
Notes Payable |
30,500,000.00 |
Accounts Payable |
505,933,319.85 |
Accounts Received In Advance |
19,010,321.02 |
Employee Compensation Payable |
201,931,716.20 |
Taxes Payable |
66,785,947.67 |
Interest Payable |
-- |
Dividend Payable |
-- |
Other payables |
3,027,360,990.76 |
Due to Related Companies |
-- |
Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year |
2,747,975,531.16 |
Other Current Liabilities |
524,941,098.51 |
Sub-Total of Current Liabilities |
8,515,812,713.91 |
Long-term Loans |
6,398,725,648.73 |
Bonds Payable |
-- |
Long-Term Accounts Payable |
414,822,886.26 |
Special Payable |
-- |
Estimatied Liabilities |
-- |
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities |
4,219,306.31 |
Other Non-Current Liabilities |
-- |
Sub-Total of Non-Current Liabilities |
8,975,391,960.93 |
Total Liabilities |
17,491,204,674.84 |
Paid-In Capital(Or Share Stock) |
3,075,653,888.00 |
Capital Surplus |
3,057,107,899.56 |
Surplus Reserve |
791,239,968.51 |
LESS:Treasury Stock |
-- |
Undistributed Profits |
6,843,445,606.95 |
Minority Stockholder's Interest |
1,793,214,912.40 |
Foreign Currency Capital |
-- |
Abnormal Management Project Income Adjusted |
-- |
Total Owners' Equity Attributable to Parent(Stockholder's Interest) |
13,818,477,805.15 |
Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) |
15,611,692,717.55 |
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) |
33,102,897,392.39 |