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Financial Year March 31 2023
Monetary Funds 2,718,097,342.75
Held-for-trading Financial Assets --
Notes Receivable 224,049,531.88
Accounts Receivable 3,005,281,380.37
Advances to Suppliers 300,814,786.53
Other Receivables 84,059,234.02
Amounts Due From Related Companies --
Interest Receivable --
Dividend Receivable --
Inventories 1,631,961,800.85
Among: Consumptive Biological Assets --
Non-Current Assets Maturing Within One Year --
Other Current Assets 252,286,454.61
Total Current Assets 8,216,550,531.01
Available-for-Sale Financial Asset --
Held-to-maturity Investments --
Long-Term Account Receivable 53,794,965.00
Long-term Equity Investment 951,554,936.02
Investment Properties --
Fixed Assetes 3,545,614,806.50
Under-construction Projects 883,478,017.74
Construction Materials --
Disposal of Fixed Assets --
Capitalized Biological Assets --
Oil and Gas Assets --
Intangible Assets 977,756,983.49
R&D expenses 136,382,528.52
Goodwill --
Long-Term Deferred and Prepaid Expenses 214,333,783.15
Deferred Income Tax Assets 124,986,979.53
Other Non-Current Assets 348,036,631.21
Sub-Total of Non-Current Assets 7,345,094,160.65
Total Assets 15,561,644,691.66
Short-Term Loans 3,940,228,548.78
Trading Financial liabilities --
Notes Payable 1,280,784,926.37
Accounts Payable 1,112,435,448.30
Accounts Received In Advance --
Employee Compensation Payable 743,327.56
Taxes Payable 30,395,630.10
Interest Payable --
Dividend Payable 321,132.31
Other payables 174,489,267.21
Due to Related Companies --
Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year 1,075,044,853.59
Other Current Liabilities 594,690,171.58
Sub-Total of Current Liabilities 8,216,969,539.52
Long-term Loans 1,208,996,944.44
Bonds Payable 275,244,112.01
Long-Term Accounts Payable 1,180,345,866.73
Special Payable --
Estimatied Liabilities --
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 101,274,940.44
Other Non-Current Liabilities --
Sub-Total of Non-Current Liabilities 2,929,175,417.27
Total Liabilities 11,146,144,956.79
Paid-In Capital(Or Share Stock) 1,073,597,165.00
Capital Surplus 1,305,769,410.90
Surplus Reserve 148,566,761.53
LESS:Treasury Stock 161,977,310.00
Undistributed Profits 1,234,927,626.92
Minority Stockholder's Interest 789,808,294.21
Foreign Currency Capital --
Abnormal Management Project Income Adjusted --
Total Owners' Equity Attributable to Parent(Stockholder's Interest) 3,625,691,440.66
Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 4,415,499,734.87
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 15,561,644,691.66
Currency in : RMB