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Financial Year March 31 2023
Monetary Funds 402,908,082.22
Held-for-trading Financial Assets --
Notes Receivable --
Accounts Receivable 27,355,430.05
Advances to Suppliers 9,811,367.92
Other Receivables 6,493,697.77
Amounts Due From Related Companies --
Interest Receivable --
Dividend Receivable --
Inventories 221,118,840.17
Among: Consumptive Biological Assets --
Non-Current Assets Maturing Within One Year --
Other Current Assets 12,600,657.87
Total Current Assets 680,288,076.00
Available-for-Sale Financial Asset --
Held-to-maturity Investments --
Long-Term Account Receivable --
Long-term Equity Investment 218,048,026.48
Investment Properties --
Fixed Assetes 461,586,815.46
Under-construction Projects 38,592,473.48
Construction Materials --
Disposal of Fixed Assets --
Capitalized Biological Assets --
Oil and Gas Assets --
Intangible Assets 24,287,689.92
R&D expenses --
Goodwill --
Long-Term Deferred and Prepaid Expenses 582,846.69
Deferred Income Tax Assets --
Other Non-Current Assets 11,880,000.00
Sub-Total of Non-Current Assets 756,591,018.14
Total Assets 1,436,879,094.14
Short-Term Loans 74,530,000.00
Trading Financial liabilities --
Notes Payable --
Accounts Payable 47,488,940.41
Accounts Received In Advance --
Employee Compensation Payable 33,617,216.62
Taxes Payable 10,575,531.49
Interest Payable --
Dividend Payable --
Other payables 237,776,468.66
Due to Related Companies --
Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year 477,601.80
Other Current Liabilities --
Sub-Total of Current Liabilities 418,787,523.92
Long-term Loans --
Bonds Payable --
Long-Term Accounts Payable 6,000,400.00
Special Payable --
Estimatied Liabilities --
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities --
Other Non-Current Liabilities --
Sub-Total of Non-Current Liabilities 75,175,249.46
Total Liabilities 493,962,773.38
Paid-In Capital(Or Share Stock) 365,858,712.00
Capital Surplus 783,917,419.42
Surplus Reserve 82,726,748.33
LESS:Treasury Stock --
Undistributed Profits -292,939,749.44
Minority Stockholder's Interest 37,742,225.45
Foreign Currency Capital --
Abnormal Management Project Income Adjusted --
Total Owners' Equity Attributable to Parent(Stockholder's Interest) 905,174,095.31
Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 942,916,320.76
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity(Stockholder's Equity) 1,436,879,094.14
Currency in : RMB