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Reporting Year March 31 2023
1、Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net Increase In Cusromer Deposit and Trade --
Net Increase In From The Central Bank Borrowings --
Net Increase In From Other Financial Institutionns funds Borrowings --
Interest, Handling Charges and Commission Received 787,521,412.53
Net Increase From Disposal Of Tradable Financial Assets --
Net Increase In Placements From Banks and Other Financial Institutions --
Net Increase In Repurchase Business Capital 6,444,513,574.19
Cash Received From Sales of Goods and Rendering of Services --
Tax Rebates Received --
Premiums Received From Original Insurance Contracts --
Net Cash Received From Reinsurance Business --
Net Increase of Policy Holder Deposits and Investment Funds --
Other Cash Received Concerning Operating Activities 482,743,603.05
Sub-total of Cash Inflows From Operating Activities 7,714,778,589.77
Net Increase In Loans and Advances to Customers --
Net Increase In Deposits With Central Bank and Other Financial Institutions --
Handling Charges and Commissions Paid 222,060,656.58
Cash Paid For Goods Purchased and Services Received --
Cash Paid For Indemnity of Original Insurance Contract --
Policyholder Dividend Paid --
Cash Paid to and For Employees 440,123,263.09
Cash Paid For Taxes and Surcharges 46,554,891.02
Other Paid Cash Relevant to Operating Activities 606,640,447.69
Sub-Total of Cash Outflow From Operating Activities 8,355,688,859.33
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities -640,910,269.56
2、Cash Flow From Investing Activities
Cash Received From Sales of Investments 20,113,741.91
Investment Income Received 38,335,577.42
Other Cash Received Relating to Investing Activities --
Sub-Total of Cash Inflow From Investing Activities 58,638,094.86
Cash Paid For Acquisition of Investments 671,335,244.31
Net increase of Pledge Loans --
Cash Paid For Purchase and Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets 18,234,709.20
Other Cash Paid Relating to Investing Activities --
Sub-Total of Cash Outflows From Investing Activities 689,569,953.51
Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities -630,931,858.65
3、Cash Flows From Financing Activities --
Cash Received From Capital Contributions --
Cash Received From Bond Issue 6,297,520,784.00
Borrowings Received --
Amounts of Other Received Cash Relevant to Financing Activities --
Sub-Total of Cash Inflows From Financial Activities 6,297,520,784.00
Repayment of Borrowings 5,447,281,588.00
Cash Paid For Dividend and Profit Distribution Or Interest Payment 177,725,676.86
Other Cash Payments Relating Financing Activities 31,606,364.95
Sub-Total of Cash Ouflows From Financing Activities 5,656,613,629.81
Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities 640,907,154.19
4、Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuation Consequences On Cash -7,482,217.69
4(2)、Other Reasons to The Influence of Cash
5、Net Increase In Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Initial Cash and Cash Equivalents Balance 19,297,822,806.20
The Final Cash and Cash Equivalents Balance 18,659,405,614.49
Currency in : RMB